Daya Bay

Now Shenzhen   |   September 2, 2021

Daya Bay is located in the southeastern side of Huizhou City. The sea area reaches 488 Kilometers and the coastal line is about 52 kilometers. The seawater is clean and the beaches are dotted along the coastal line with fine sands. Near one hundred islands spread on the sea and form a crescent moon.


Tachia Island (Da Jia Dao)

A pearl at Sea. It was the military frontier of China, the island area of 2.3 square kilometers, wide open seas, crystal clear sea, beach flat as a mirror, squishy sand smooth, is a natural charming beach. Island resorts have been built, service facilities, good place for vacation, leisure & recuperation.

一颗海上明珠。它曾是我国重点的军事前沿阵地,岛屿面积为2.3平方公里,海域开阔宽广,海水清澈透明,沙滩平展如镜,海沙湿软 细滑,是一个天然的浴场,岛上植被茂盛,郁郁葱葱,海韵迷人。岛上已建成度假村,服务设施完善,是度假、休闲、疗养的好去处。

Chuanzhou Island 穿洲岛

Chuanzhou Island in Daya Bay. Beatiful Island, peace beach and great sightseeing for you to have a nice trip.


Sanmen Island (Sanmendao) 三门岛

Twice as Gulangyu Island in Xiamen, Sanmen Dao is the largest island of the Daya Bay.

三门岛面积相当于两个厦门鼓浪屿, 是大亚湾最大的海岛,面向滔滔太平洋,军事禁区的独特历史使它封存为罕见的生态岛,是从清朝至今的海上重要关口和军事要塞。三门岛山峦叠翠,淡水资源丰 富,各种植物达2000多种,有“海上动植物乐园”之称。眺望礁石万状,惊涛拍岸,浪花如雪,美丽的海岛风光尽收眼底,海蓝沙白,海风摇翠,极具浪漫色 彩。在长达5公里的数条地下战备坑道和多个强大的隐蔽火力点和纵横交错的战壕里寻求紧张刺激。无污染的海水资源使海岛盛产各种海鲜,也是广东省指定的水产 资源保护区。

Panda Gold Coast 熊猫金海岸

Famous Panda Gold Coast in Daya Bay for you.

位于风光美丽的霞涌办事处内,这里沙滩 平缓,沙质洁白,水质清澈,中间夹一弯银色月牙状沙滩,两边各是一条蜿蜒数里的绿色防护带,宛如莲花仙子广舒云袖。 南临茫茫人海,碧水共长天一色;西望百岛丽影,群鸟与落霞齐飞;东观巽寮日出,云蒸霞蔚;北依铁炉山峰,层峦叠嶂,山光水色尽收眼底。

Tiger Island 虎洲岛

Inside of Panda Gold Coast.

Address: Xia Yong Twon, Daya Bay, Huizhou City 惠州市惠阳区大亚湾霞涌

Spring Temple 清泉寺
Spring Temple 
Located at 2 kilometers of north Xiayong town, built in the Qing Dynasty, Spring Temple has sweet and delicious springs on each sides. The legendary spring deserve your visit and discover.


Three Trees Viewing Platform 三棵树观景台

Two ficus microcarpas and One longyan tree in construction site of CNOOC and Shell Nanhai petrochemicals Project. Hot spot of Daya Bay touristim.

在一片如火如荼的工地旁有这样的三棵树,两棵细叶榕和一棵龙眼树,最老的榕树有200多岁了,这片工地便是中国目前最大的合资项目——中海壳牌南海石化 项 目的工地,三棵老树见证了大亚湾的沧桑巨变和中海壳牌南海石化项目的发展历程,来大亚湾必看大项目,看大项目必到三棵树,“三棵树观景台”已成为大亚湾旅 游的一个新热点。

Address & Contact
Address and contact information:
Chinese and Pinyin Name: 大亚湾
Place Address (English/Pinyin): Daya Bay, Huizhou City, Guangdong Provice
Website: Daya Bay’s Website
Place Phone: Not Available