The HUSKY Santa Run – Thank you and photos!

Now Shenzhen   |   December 13, 2023

proudly present
The 2023 HUSKY Santa Run  
A fund-raising event supporting the work of Captivating in China
2023 HUSKY 圣诞老人慈善跑

On December 9, 2023 Shekou was once again turned into a sea of Santas for the Husky Santa Run, with some serious festive style on display; and what a day it was!439 registered Santas and 43 volunteers (including 7 HUSKY and 30 SCIE volunteers) arrived to run or marshal the 6KM and 3KM course around Shenzhen Bay in red shirts and Santa hats, in a tremendous show of support for the work we do.

2023 年12 月 9 日,蛇口渔港中心公园景区内人流如潮,数百名参赛运动员身穿红色圣诞老人服饰,摩拳擦掌,热情高涨,在欢快热烈的气氛下拉开Captivating 第五届圣诞老人慈善跑活动的序幕,多么美好的一天!

439名参赛者43名义工7 名来自 HUSKY30 名来自 SCIE)穿戴节日盛装,顺沿深圳湾人行道跑道完成 3 公里/ 6 公里趣味赛跑,支持 Captivating,支持公益慈善事业。

This overwhelming response from the Shenzhen community, for Captivating’s 5th Annual Santa Run, once again leaves us speechless. With COVID restrictions behind us we were delighted that so many of the community came out again and it was a joy to see both spectators and partakers enjoying themselves in the Christmas spirit!

After the event, all children were able to meet Santa himself, the amazing Glenn Ball, and each received a gift, courtesy of our event partner ZURU. This wonderful day was then brought to a close with all our festive favourites sung by the amazing choir from The King’s School Qianhai Shenzhen International!

We’d like to thank all who participated in the event, with special congratulations to the Santa Run winners, who received medals and prizes on the podium.


比赛结束后,所有参赛儿童见到了圣诞老人格里恩·勃,并收到他派发的精美礼物。礼品是由Captivating 活动伙伴ZURU公司提供。伴随着来自深圳前海国王国际学校合唱团演唱的经典圣诞颂歌,本场圣诞慈善跑活动圆满结束。


The HUSKY Santa Run raises money to support the work of Captivating and its Chinese registered charity partners through the Shenzhen Charity Federation. Programs include educational support for young girls, financial support for Volunteer Teachers Program, and The Pigs, Poultry and Prosperity Program, which provides some of the most underprivileged the potential to grow a business, and lift themselves out of poverty.


Our sincerest THANKS to the following that made this happen:



A HUGE thank you to our TITLE Sponsor HUSKY who sponsored our 5th Santa Run, Without your support, this event would not have been possible. The programs and community can’t thank you enough!

And to returning Myrrh Santa Run Sponsor CARDZGROUP, we loved seeing you all back and we are so grateful for your continued support!


VOLUNTEERS: We would have been lost without our incredible Chinese MC Chuqi Luo and finally the 30 energetic student volunteers from SCIE led by the wonderful Gary Ellis and Karen Clancy.致所有志愿者:感谢中文翻译Luo Chuqi带来的精彩解说;最后感谢SCIE学校,Gary EllisKaren Clancy老师以及他带领的30名精力充沛的学生志愿者。


A BIG thank you to our Media Partners: HERE! Donguan, Global Friendship, That’s PRD, NOW Shenzhen, Urban Family for promoting the event tirelessly. And to YOU, the community, all of the schools, local businesses and friends who had fliers and spread the word and Emily’s cafe, who kindly donated 50% of profits from anyone wearing a red shirt that morning, we are truly, truly grateful.


非常感谢活动合作伙伴HERE! Donguan, Global Friendship,That’s PRD, NOW Shenzhen, Urban Family,以及所有张贴和转载活动宣传册的学校,社区;感谢所有推广圣诞老人慈善跑活动的个人和团体;Emily’s cafe西餐厅捐赠了当天上午营业收益的 50%,非常感谢!

Finally, a big thanks to the Shenzhen Bay Management, who provided a venue for the Santa Run; to the local police, who ensured a safe and orderly environment for all those who participated; and Vista-SK Medical Centre, for attending to all medical needs.We hope you had as much fun as we did, and we wish you all a Merry Christmas and sincerely thank you for your support for all the events throughout the year. See you again next year!

To find out more about Captivating’s work in China, email [email protected] or go to our website www.captivating.org想了解更Captivating在中国开展的项目信息,可发邮件至 [email protected] 或浏览网站

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