The What, How and Why of Martial Arts at Invincible

Now Shenzhen   |   February 25, 2024


Boxing also referred to as “the sweet science” is a combat sport and a martial art in which two people, usually wearing protective gloves and other protective equipment such as hand wraps and mouth guards, throw punches at each other for a predetermined amount of time in a boxing ring. Although the term boxing is commonly attributed to Western boxing, in which only fists are involved, it has developed in different ways in different geographical areas and cultures of the World. In global terms, “boxing” today is also a set of combat sports focused on striking.


Amateur boxing is both an Olympic and Commonwealth Games sport and is a standard fixture in most international games—it also has its world championships. Boxing is overseen by a referee over a series of one-to-three-minute intervals called “rounds”. A winner can be resolved before the completion of the rounds when a referee deems an opponent incapable of continuing, disqualifies an opponent, or the opponent resigns. When the fight reaches the end of its final round with both opponents still standing, the judges’ scorecards determine the victor. In case both fighters gain equal scores from the judges, a professional bout is considered a draw. In Olympic boxing, because a winner must be declared, judges award the contest to one fighter on technical criteria.


In short, boxing is an easy sport to enter with low requirements to be able to start training. It’s great for people who enjoy high cardio training and also great for people who prefer a little more personal space and want to avoid too much physical contact. The training is inclusive to beginners, aspiring fighters and people looking for fun fitness work outs. If you have never trained boxing, why not come try and see why this sport is still the most commercially successful martial art in history.  


Boxing helps to develop
Hand-eye coordination
Core strength
Explosive power


Kickboxing is a full-contact combat sport and a form of boxing based on punching and kicking. The fight takes place in a boxing ring, normally with boxing gloves, mouth guards, shorts, and bare feet to favor the use of kicks. Kickboxing is practiced for self-defense, general fitness, or for competition. 


The sport “kickboxing” originated in Japan when karate fighters also trained boxing. It got much more international as it was the most general set of rules where all the “kickboxing” martial arts could compete against each other. Therefore, it’s sometimes difficult to distinguish exactly what is kickboxing as a martial art. Most kickboxing gyms, trainers and fighters are influenced by other styles. Some styles of kickboxing include: Karate, Muay Thai, Japanese kickboxing, Lethwei, Sanda, and Savate. In the modern era, most practitioners have a hybrid style which includes the best techniques taken from all the above arts.  


There is no single international governing body, although are some international governing bodies. Consequently, there is no single kickboxing world championship, and champion titles are issued by individual promotions, such as Glory, K-1 and ONE Championship among others. Bouts organized under different governing bodies apply different rules, such as allowing the use of knees or clinching etc. In China, kickboxing is also widely popular, and many people are crazy about it.


Kickboxing is not only a competitive sport, it is also an art. Here, speed, strength, flexibility, and skill are all essential. Players need to kick, punch, clinch and use other skills to beat their opponents. At the same time, it also requires the players to have strong physical and psychological fortitude. It is very important to keep calm and firm in the face of strong opponents and pressure. Kickboxing fights are very entertaining, but the kicking nature of the sport does make it tough. Bruises are a normal part of the sport.


In short, kickboxing is a stand-up fighting sport full of passion, challenges and strategies. It not only tests the strength and skills of the players, but also tests their reactions and courage. If you want to feel the charm of this sport, go to see a live kickboxing match. It very easy to be attracted by its charm!


KB helps to develop
Hand-eye coordination
Core strength
Explosive power


Brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ) is a self-defense martial art and combat sport based on grappling, ground fighting, and submission holds. BJJ focuses on taking ones opponent down to the ground, gaining a dominant position, and using a number of techniques to force them into submission via joint locks or chokeholds.


BJJ eventually came to be its own defined combat sport through the innovations, practices, and adaptation of jiu-jitsu and judo, and became an essential martial art for modern MMA.


BJJ revolves around the concept that a smaller, weaker person can successfully defend themselves against a bigger, stronger, heavier opponent by using leverage and weight distribution, taking the fight to the ground and using a number of holds and submissions to defeat them. BJJ training can be used for sport grappling and self-defense situations. Sparring, commonly referred to as “rolling” within the BJJ community, and live drilling plays a major role in training and the practitioner’s development. BJJ can also be used as a method of promoting physical fitness, building character, and as a way of life.


It does not follow the standard old ways of doing forms. The belt promotion isn’t based on memorizing a set of moves (forms/kata) but instead it’s based on the constant evaluation of your personal BJJ journey by your BJJ master/professor. Some of the key factors for promotion are: Technical skills, dedication, training consistency, combat proficiency, respect, understanding level of BJJ concepts etc. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu has thousands upon thousands of techniques and variations which allow for you to use your brain and your innovative thinking!


As one of the fastest growing sports in the world many people are falling in love with Brazilian jiu-jitsu. Competitors, martial art lovers and fitness fanatics can all enjoy the benefits of training BJJ. The benefits are both on and off the mat. If you have never tried BJJ, why not come a give it a shot and try “Human Chess”.


BJJ helps to develop
Healthy lifestyle

MMA 综合格斗

Mixed martial arts (MMA) is a full-contact combat sport based on striking, grappling and ground fighting, incorporating techniques from various combat sports from around the world. The first documented use of the term mixed martial arts was in 1993. However, it all started early in the 20th century in Japan and East Asia. At the same time in Brazil where they had “no rules” fighting between various styles. Originally promoted as a competition to find the most effective martial arts for real unarmed combat, competitors from different fighting styles were pitted against one another in contests with relatively few rules. Later, individual fighters incorporated multiple martial arts into their style. MMA promoters were pressured to adopt additional rules to increase competitors’ safety, to comply with sport regulations and to broaden mainstream acceptance of the sport.


The knowledge depth of MMA is a little daunting, but once you understand the basic concepts and positions it’s actually very easy to jump into training. There are three main parts of MMA – the striking, the wrestling and the grappling. Most gyms and fighters use their own accumulation of skillsets and knowledge to develop their own preferred fighting style. The training is physically and emotionally tough, but the rewards are very big. Your fortitude, skill level and physical conditioning will improve through incrementally increasing the intensity of the training. It’s also a very fast growing sport with many superstar fighters that we can follow and mimic their techniques in training.


At Invincible the training intensity is controlled by the coach and we try and guide the students to stay within their own limitations. Making each student’s training a personal journey. The group classes might have only one topic per class, but there are always a big variety of exercises need to learn something new. Lastly, even though we try to make MMA a safe and interesting experience for all, one can never escape the truth of the sport! MMA is the realist, harshest and most violent competitive martial art! It was born out of the need to know who is the very best. So MMA will never be an easy or leisurely hobby, it’s a tough sport for tough people… so do you want to become tough?! Join us; we know the way to make anyone become tougher.      


MMA helps to develop
Hand-eye coordination
Core strength
Explosive power


INVINCIBLE has always attached great importance to the professional quality and teaching experience of the coaching team. However, perhaps many people do not know there are some coaches who specialize in coaching young athletes. They are committed to training their children to become athletes with comprehensive quality, so that they can start the journey to master the sports skills required and also develop their physical and mental health.


INVINCIBLE‘s core goal for the children’s curriculum is to develop the following values and skills:

  1. Anti-bullying mentality: Throughout our programs, children will not only learn to respect others, but also respect themselves. Based on respect they can establish good interpersonal relationships, so as to remain calm and confident in the face of bullying at school or outside.
  2. Physical coordination: Following a professional training program, the children can improve physical coordination and things like balance, flexibility and agility.
  3. Strong body: Repetitive and systematic physical exercise let the children have a healthier body, laying a solid foundation for their future life and sports career.
  4. Fighting skills: Children learn practical fighting skills, improve their self-defense ability and cultivate their spirit to face challenges bravely.
  5. Firm determination: During the training process, the coaches will guide the children to establish and nurture fortitude, showing them not fear difficulties and face challenges bravely.
  6. Toughen up against physical and mental blows: Cultivate children to maintain a positive attitude when facing physical setbacks and emotional difficulties.
  7. Focus: Through rigorous training methods, the children’s focus naturally improve as a byproduct, so that they can achieve better results in both study and life.
  8. Build confidence and gain respect: In the curriculum, children will led in exercises that build confidence, teach them how to show respect to others and earn the respect of others.
  9. Participate in competitive sports: encourage children to dare to actively participate in all kinds of competitive sports, and cultivate their spirit of daring to struggle and strive for success.


  1. 反霸凌的心态:通过课程学习,孩子们将学会尊重他人,建立良好的人际关系,从而在面对校园霸凌时能够保持冷静和自信。
  2. 身体协调性:通过专业的训练,提高孩子们的身体协调能力,使他们在各种运动项目中都能表现得更加出色。
  3. 强健的体魄:通过系统的体育锻炼,让孩子们拥有健康的体魄,为今后的生活和运动生涯奠定坚实的基础。
  4. 格斗技巧:让孩子们学习实用的格斗技巧,提高自我保护能力,同时培养他们勇敢面对挑战的精神。
  5. 坚定的决心:在训练过程中,教练们会引导孩子们树立坚定的信念,不怕困难,勇往直前。
  6. 学会对抗身心打击:培养孩子们在面临挫折和困难时,能够保持积极的心态,勇敢地面对和克服。
  7. 专注力:通过专业的训练方法,提高孩子们的专注力,使他们在学习和生活上都能取得更好的成绩。
  8. 建立自信并获得尊重:在课程中,孩子们将学会如何树立自信心,尊重他人,同时也赢得他人的尊重。
  9. 敢于参与竞技运动:鼓励孩子们积极参与各类竞技运动,培养他们敢于拼搏、争创佳绩的精神风貌。

In short, INVINCIBLE Children’s curriculum aims to comprehensively improve children’s physical and mental abilities. Provide them with a learning environment full of challenges and fun. Here, the children can not only learn professional sports skills, but also develop a firm self belief, a confident attitude and good team spirit. All these things combined lay a solid foundation for their future development and give them the best chance to further their sporting future.


Che Gong Miao Address:
202, 2nd Floor, Building 5, 
An Hua Gong Ye Qu, 
No.18 Tai Ran 8th Street, 
Che Gong Miao, Shen Zhen
Contact: 180-3341-4120
She Kou Address:
203, 2nd Floor, 
Zhen Xing Industrial Building, 
No.71 Tai Zi Road, 
Zhao Shang Jie Dao,
Nan Shan District, Shen Zhen
Contact: 189-2844-0680