EIC Education – [CLOSED]

David Ho   |   May 14, 2020

EIC New Pathway Core Values

EIC Education or otherwise known as Education International Cooperation (EIC) Group is one of the largest international education providers in China with more than 3600 employees, 35 consulting offices and 28 test prep centers all over the world. EIC students’ footprint covers all popular Chinese studying abroad destinations with top 4 markets in US, Canada, Australia and UK. It boasts a strong presence in the US testing and consulting market with a tier-ed service structure catering to different student needs. In December 2014, EIC Education merged with New Pathway Education, to combine EIC’s market reach in the U.S. with New Pathway’s expertise and premium service.

What sets us apart from every competitor in China is our commitment to developing our students. We take a different approach through mentorship, character development, and teaching lifelong success. Our company doesn’t just seek to place top students into top schools, but also to equip them with the skills, knowledge, direction, and discipline to thrive in those environments.

启德高端留学 “Prestige Only”是我们所提供的高端留学咨询服务,它引导学生获得美国排名前30的大学以及寄宿学校的录取。通过对美国招生方式的全面深入的了解,“Prestige Only”将针对学生的进行1对1的综合服务,将院校申请以及考试准备巧妙的结合于精英学习过程中,帮助学生熟悉申请美国顶尖院校以及寄宿高中的复杂性。 我们拥有一个充满活力和激情的外国高级顾问团队,这些顾问都毕业于美国排名前30的大学,可以为学生们提供专业指导服务。他们会帮助学生设立全面的成长路线,将每一个学生作为独立的服务对象,根据每一个学生的个人兴趣以及目标,引导学生完成具有非凡吸引力的个人申请以及个人陈述。这些顾问同时还将作为导师,以积极以及热情的态度,为学生家长提供详细跟进报告和申请进度更新。基于我们服务的高互动性和个性化的特质,服务周期一般都在12至36个月左右。“Prestige Only”重视结果同时也重视服务整体过程,以此保证我们的学生不仅获得名校的录取,同时确保学生进入美国顶尖大学也能具备竞争力。 我们相信,这一留学咨询服务行业的新生领域,将为我们留学服务咨询业务收入增长带来强大驱动力。

Address & Contact Information

Chinese Name: 启德教育

Address: Guo Ji Shang Hui Da Sha, FuTian District, Shen Zhen province

Address CN: 深圳市福田区国际商会大厦A座1501

Phone: 0755-13720079470