What are the documents required for foreign-related notarization

Now Shenzhen   |   February 25, 2024

An application for foreign-related notarization must be submitted to the notary office in person. In the event that the applicant is not in the Chinese mainland or is unable to visit the notary office in person due to other reasons (such as severe illness or a business trip), he/she may authorize a relative or friend to go through the procedure on his/her behalf; in which case the agent shall hold a power of attorney from the applicant and his/her own identity document. The applicant should first provide a letter of certification from the human resources department of his/her company (or organization, labor department, talent exchange center) in addition to the following materials:

  1. To apply for the notarization of a birth certificate, the household register and its photocopy, or a household registration certificate issued by the responsible police station shall be provided. Birth certificates sent to the United States or Thailand require several photos.
  2. To apply for the notarization of a marriage certificate, the applicant’s marriage certificate and several photocopies of it shall be provided. Those who have lost their marriage certificates shall apply at the registry offices where the certificates were issued for reissuance.
  3. To apply for the notarization of a divorce certificate, the divorce certificate (a mediation agreement or judgment document can be submitted instead) and its photocopy shall be provided. Those who have lost their divorce certificates shall apply at the registry offices where the certificates were issued for reissuance.
  4. To apply for the notarization of a certificate of professional experience, those with professional title certificates (such as engineer, accountant, chef certificates, etc.) shall provide the original certificates and their photocopies; anyone without a professional title can specify his/her job responsibilities or main occupations in a certification letter and provide the required number of two-inch bareheaded photos.
  5. To apply for the notarization of the relationship with foreign relatives, a recent letter from foreign relatives shall be provided; to apply for the notarization of the relationship with domestic relatives, the household register or other relevant certification materials shall be provided.
  6. To apply for the notarization of an educational level/academic degree/academic performance certificate, the corresponding graduation certificateacademic degree certificate, or academic performance transcripts shall be provided together with their photocopies. In the event that the original documents have been lost, please apply at the university/college for reissuing or obtaining the corresponding certification materials.
  7. To apply for the notarization of a death certificate, the death certificate issued by the responsible police station or other relevant certification materials from related institutions (such as hospitals, railways, transportation, civil aviation authorities, etc.) shall be provided.