Sexy Salad 好色派沙拉(Seaworld)

Now Shenzhen   |   August 31, 2021

Sexy Salad is the No. 1 meal salad brand aiming fitness (fat losing and muscle gaining). Each salad has only 250 to 500 calorie with low fat and high nutrition value ingredients. Sexy Salad is now a famous fitness food brand and cooperates with gyms in South China. To enhance food safety level, Sexy Salad has food safety insurance for each salad sold so that people can enjoy the salad with no worries.

Place Description (Chinese/中文): 好色派沙拉,是国内第一家减脂增肌主食沙拉品牌。每份沙拉只含250~500的卡路里,且均为低脂高营养食材。品牌运营期间,备受华南健身圈的追捧,目前已经是多家专业健身房独家配餐合作伙伴。为更好的加强食品的安全级别,好色派沙拉亦为每份沙拉都投了食品安全险,务求让消费者安心享用更无忧。
Address & Contact
Address and contact information:
Chinese and Pinyin Name: 好色派沙拉 Sexy Salad
Place Address (English/Pinyin): #1-27,Gouwuhui shopping mall Shekou,Shenzhen
Website: Sexy Salad 好色派沙拉(Seaworld)’s Website
Place Phone: +86 0755-21650204