Crowne Plaza Shenzhen Longgang City Centre Hotel

David Ho   |   December 29, 2017

Crowne Plaza Shenzhen Longgang City Centre is The Place To Meet, for work or holiday in your next visit to Shenzhen.

Conveniently located in Longgang District, Longxiang Avenue and 50km from Shenzhen International Airport, we are close to Government Bureaus, Longgang Culture Centre, Universiade Stadium, Commercial Zone, GrandBuy and Starbucks. Commute easily to other parts of the city with the nearby Shenzhen Metro, ShuiGuan Expressway or readily available taxies in the district.

The hotel boasts 2000sq.m of flexible event space in 11 meeting rooms, including a grand ballroom that seats up to 1100 guests. Let our Crowne Meetings Director tailor our facilities to suit your event’s needs, whether it is a boardroom meeting, exclusive product launch or annual company dinner.

Our guestrooms all feature flat-screen televisions, satellite channels, work desks with ergonomic seats and high-speed Internet access. Let our Business Center support all your secretarial needs with print, fax, copy, email and IT services.

Refresh your body with a workout or swim in our modern Fitness Center or treat yourself to the finest cuisines at our signature Fortuna Chinese Restaurant, our international dining Cafe 2011 or convenient room service. Then relax with an evening cocktail at Cheers.

Stay at Crowne Plaza Shenzhen Longgang City Centre and let us host your next event in Shenzhen.

Crowne Plaza Shenzhen Longgang City Centre is The Place To Meet, for work or holiday in your next visit to Shenzhen.

Conveniently located in Longgang District, Longxiang Avenue and 50km from Shenzhen International Airport, we are close to Government Bureaus, Longgang Culture Centre, Universiade Stadium, Commercial Zone, GrandBuy and Starbucks. Commute easily to other parts of the city with the nearby Shenzhen Metro, ShuiGuan Expressway or readily available taxies in the district.

The hotel boasts 2000sq.m of flexible event space in 11 meeting rooms, including a grand ballroom that seats up to 1100 guests. Let our Crowne Meetings Director tailor our facilities to suit your event’s needs, whether it is a boardroom meeting, exclusive product launch or annual company dinner.

Our guestrooms all feature flat-screen televisions, satellite channels, work desks with ergonomic seats and high-speed Internet access. Let our Business Center support all your secretarial needs with print, fax, copy, email and IT services.

Refresh your body with a workout or swim in our modern Fitness Center or treat yourself to the finest cuisines at our signature Fortuna Chinese Restaurant, our international dining Cafe 2011 or convenient room service. Then relax with an evening cocktail at Cheers.

Stay at Crowne Plaza Shenzhen Longgang City Centre and let us host your next event in Shenzhen.

 深圳龙岗珠江皇冠假日酒店是龙岗中央商务区首席商务旗舰综合体建筑群,也是2011年世界大学生运动会指定接待酒店。酒店毗邻龙岗区政府、龙岗文化中心及龙岗世贸中心,地铁3号线龙城广场站信步可达。酒店距深圳宝安机场40分钟车程,距罗湖口岸30分钟车程,距深圳会展中心35分钟车程,至深圳东门步行街25分钟车程,交通方便快捷,是商务出行和旅游度假的理想居庭。 酒店以摩登现代的设计风格和一流的建筑品质成为珠江广场当之无愧的新地标。酒店拥有374间高级房、豪华房、行政房、豪华套房和行政套房,格调高雅,环境温馨,独具特色的现代风情、清幽雅致的城市景观处处彰显酒店的尊贵与超凡,为客人带来无与伦比的下榻体验。 酒店处处彰显国际商务酒店的顶级风范,“会聚成功”系列会务产品和服务堪称业内之翘楚。“皇冠假日会务总监”是皇冠假日品牌的标志性服务,配合“两小时反馈”,深入会议筹划和管理过程的各个细节,确保每一个环节都尽善尽美。酒店拥有一个可容纳1100人的宴会厅和11个多功能厅,是举办董事会议、公司年会、主题晚宴和婚礼庆典的完美之选。行政楼层提供24小时个性化的商务及礼宾服务,为高端社交与商务互动提供宽敞雅致的空间。酒店康体设施也一应俱全,健身房、棋牌室、卡拉OK厅、室内游泳池、水疗中心等应有尽有,让您足不出户也能畅享身心的放松与休闲。 酒店拥有风格各异的餐厅和酒吧,“富临轩中餐厅”主打正宗粤菜,11个雅致包厢是商务宴客或私人聚会的理想之选。“咖啡厅2011”提供寰宇美馔,开放厨房使宾客在享受佳肴美馔的同时饱览大厨们的精湛技艺。“Portofino意大利餐厅”提供意式海鲜、通心粉、牛扒、羊扒、乳酪蛋糕等传统及特色美食,让您尽情体验浓郁的异域美食文化。“动感吧”活力四射,在优美的爵士音乐中,您可一边享用沁心冰啤一边观看精彩赛事,惬意至极。“大堂酒廊”雅致温馨,商务休憩两相宜,香醇咖啡和美味甜点带您拥揽煦暖阳光,享受惬意心情。

Address & Contact Information

Chinese Name: 深圳龙岗珠江皇冠假日酒店

Address: 9009 Longxiang Avenue, Longgang City Centre, Longgang District, Shenzhen 518172, P.R. China

Address CN: 中国深圳市龙岗区龙岗中心城龙翔大道9009号

Phone: +86 755 3318 1888